Saturday, October 31, 2009

Column Done By Pat Pascuzzo on HomesteadisHome? Ms. Waldman Vindicated Again from Mr. Pascuzzo.

Mr. Pat Pascuzzo wrote a column on October 26, 2009 about Ms. Waldman.

1. The judge in this matter was appointed, not elected for one.

 2.  Story came out right before elections so that is questionable.

3.  Mayor Bell does have ties with Mario Diaz-Villar which only makes us ? this more.

 4.  Florida Statutes protect victims of crimes.

  5.  The judge in this matter did order a restraining order  against Pascuzzo and requested mental evaluation. of him also.

6.  The same judge who Pascuzzo boosted about, lifted the order according to his article.

7.  The same judge recused himself/herself right after doing so. 
8.  Pascuzzo cited Statutes for Public Employees.
9.  Pascuzzo forgot Federal Law overrides State Laws.  Juris Prudence!
10. Due Process Rights were denied to the victim of this crime and the attorney.
11. Ms. Waldman was vindicated again against Mr. Pascuzzo just recently this week.
12.  Ms. Waldman now has a continuing Order of Protection from Mr. Pascuzzo.

Due to the Statutues of Florida, these documents cannot be released to prove Ms. Waldman's vindication.  However, we did in fact get a yes from the New Judges Chambers that an Order for Protection is still in effect and that is all they would say.   We sent down a reporter who sat around when we heard this was going to court and he confirmed that the new judge granted the order to continue.

TV Ads, Video, and Comments.

Dear Blogger;

I think that can happen.  Also, this sight has posted facts and documents to prove about the whole Team on both sides.  We can not help if the Bateman side has better canidates, than the other. 

Additionally, Ms. Moe was a running canidate and has been being harassed by Mr. Garrot and has lived in Oasis longer than he has.  This is fact.  For her to come out face to face with this Team who wanted her then to harass her is a story on point.  She was ready for debate, fact.

Bells Team attacking a mom at the School?  That is fact and newsworthy for the people who did not attend. 

Lastly, for anyone to wish Cancer or Lupus on anyone has gone to the dark side. 

Ms. Moe has a lot to say about Oasis.  More than Mr. Garrot and the public should know.  She thought it was open forum to ask questions and was invited to the school by the school.  She is a strong activist for that school.

Posting our fore fathers quotes as ignorant?  Bell team doing mailings of lies and playing dirty politics is all news worthy.  The other blogs only write about themselves and censor anything against them.  This blog does not repress free speech. But the Bell Team has gone to far.  We are in the process of getting those mailings again to prove.  This blog is not off track.  It has posted all legal documents.  If that does not tell you something than take your blinders off and re-read the stories.   But to wish death on someone is going to far. 

I am sorry if you feel that it is one sided.  It was stated as the reporter's notes  that was faxed over.   

It was fair and balanced.  Ms. Bell was off her game.  Mr. Bateman was on point.  Facts are Facts.

We only hope that the person who made that vile statment ask for forgivness and never has to see anyone suffer with any diease. 

Ms. Moe we are very sorry for that comment and wish you well. 

We wish all well.

Everyone please make an educated vote! Read, Question, Decide.

Friday, October 30, 2009

Due to Some People Who talk about disabled children and now speak about perverted things we are now going to have to look at every blog. But that is not censoring, We are telling you up front.

Sorry folks, but since the opposition has spread vicous lies about children and now talking about doing a trian and speeking pervertitly, we are going to look at every email before posting. We did not want this to happen but it seems like the Bell team and her gang can not grow up.  We are at least telling you.  Hopefully, we can take it off shortly.

Debate at Keys Gate and Guess Who Did Not Hide? Vote Fri, Sat and Nov 3 Also Wadman for Vice-Mayor. This story did need cleaning up as blogger said so we took advice. We are Pacific Time read below.

The debate at Keys Gate Charter School proved to be more than that. Guess who showed up as promised to a person on this blog stating they wanted her there. We have to give it to Ms. Moe, because she did not hide one bit. That takes courage to sit and face those whose team you were on and let everyone know that she most defiantly supports the Bateman Slate. Even reporters were there to interview her and she did not hold back on why she supports the Bateman Slate. I guess she does live by her words, “Question with Boldness and Speak without Fear.” We think she is outstanding to step into a room of hungry wolves all by herself. That is courage to us.

The Bell Team never expected her to show for this by the look on their faces and how they were thrown off kilter. We commend you for doing the right thing. No one has ever stood up that was so scrutinized as this woman; Ms .Moe by the Bell team for showing her support for Ms. Waldman. She held her head high with a couple of laughs and shaking of her head to answers.

So let’s move on. Everyone received time to introduce themselves and questions were asked about the charter school in Oasis.

The whole Bell Team was nervous we believe because Ms. Moe took front row seat in front of the Mayor.

Ms. Moe kept opening a notebook with papers and Mr. Garrote looked very uncomfortable also. He did not know what she was going to say we guess. Good for shaken them up.

Mr. Bateman acted like a complete gentleman and answered with his heart and on point. The Mayor finally admitted to that 800,000.00 dollars.  She stated that she  is a strong candidate for schools. We have to ask then why did you home school. your children?   She did her normal patting herself on the back to avoid some of the questions completely. She was not on her game. She just wanted to give herself credit over and over again but did  not directly answer the questions. They Mayor played the spin game again.

Next was for the Mayor only and Mr. Bateman to debate.  The rules were specifically announced that no other person be put into this debate as in other canidates.  They were only  allowed to speak and rebut. They were not allowed to talk about any other council person.  We want that clear.  Well, what do think Mayor Bell does? She starts to attack Judy Waldman just after she was informed this was not the rules. It just goes to show you she makes her own rules. (agian Ms. Moe told us that too).   On top of that when her time to speak was over, she kept on speaking. Ms. Waldman had to inform the moderator this was unacceptable since she could not rebut. The Mayor was cut off immediately. She does have an infatuation with Ms. Waldman and this proved it just as Ms. Moe stated on this blog.

Ms. Waldman did inform the people that she was the only council member that supported the school for Oasis. This is confirmed by the parents and also Ms. Moe.

Ms. Moe was at the school hearing over a year ago as she stated on a previous blog, because the Principle and attorney for Keys Gate School recognized her and thanked her for coming. The parent’s were so happy to see her. So again, she does speak truth and is creditable.

The Mayor said she was the one who supported the school which is inaccurate. Maybe now she does to gain votes, but that property was for residents of Oasis for a school. She held Keys Gate and/or Oasis, from completing this task. 

Mayor Bell did turn her head during the Oasis school project and let it be sold with the buyers already thinking it was approved for a school, since it was part of the PU.  Then they came to find out  it was not a PUD property anymore.   She did not hold builders accountable for the Oasis school, which was promised to the residents in Oasis. The Mayor wanted ransom instead.  She also turned a blind eye under her watch for the selling of this property and releasing it from the PUD.   The Mayor was off her game tonight a little we think. Someone from the audience made a coughing comment to her lies. While pretending to cough, said bull sh….. To those lies made by the Mayor.

Mr. Bateman said he would hold builders accountable for their mistakes and hold them to a higher level. Additionally, he brought up a very good point. What really makes a school? The PTA makes the school and engaging in activities. Mr. Bateman is correct. Getting people involved in their school is what makes it a better school. Not once did the Mayor make a comment on how to better our schools in a positive way only how she is an activist for schools.

A question was asked about baseball being cancelled. Mr. Bateman not being the Mayor said he would find out about this. He believes in sports and activities for our children. However, the Mayor said she knew nothing about that. The Mayor knows nothing about this? Is it not her job to be informed?

The Mayor went on to say that Homestead has created over 200 jobs this year, higher than other parts of Florida. These are only part-time minimum wage with no benefits. Well we know that some stores opened on Campbell but she did not create higher jobs this year. In fact, someone whom we know personally who is qualified could not even get a job in any of those stores.

 Please inform the public where to line up for all those jobs you created. This is just political spin. Jobs were created due to new shopping but not as much as she states. Show us the figures to prove your statement.or keep it hidden like the city budget.

If this is the truth, then why are there so many homes in foreclosure Mrs. Mayor? People can’t find work and are losing their homes. There are no jobs. Homestead got hit the hardest in the country with foreclosures.

Mr. Bateman wants to establish downtown Homestead. He stated the night before downtown is a diamond in the ruff. He is correct with this statement. Let’s explain why for you. People come down Krome Avenue to get to route 1 to the Keys. If would be nice to have cafĂ©’s, shops open, art galleries, things that make people want to stay a little longer and even bring in revenue. Like the Keys before moving on further south. Instead, it is a dull street, with great possibilities. Cafe's, Arts, Clubs, will and can creates just some  more jobs too for the people of Homestead .

Mr. Bateman informed people he was backed by the PBA. The Mayor lied and said that the chief of police supported her and PBA. Not so. Look at the letter that Lobos wrote. If this is true we would love to see this one in writing Mayor.  Did you threaten the Police Chief too?

Mayor Bell bosts about all the money she earned during campaign. Great for her, really. Mr. Bateman replied that is true but that is not what this is about and kept the issues on point.  Great for him for sticking to the issues. 

 The Mayor just loves to slap herself all the time.  It is seen at meetings and she always talks about it while putting others down. She turns around questions faster than an old record player.  She is great at  spinning the questions to suit her agenda and always  being a poppajay.  She is like a broken record.  Stick to the point Mayor.

Mr. Bateman was cool and calm and answered without spin. He kept to the topic and never swayed at all.   The Mayor was nervous for once in her life and told fibs. Again, we do credit that Ms. Moe threw them off their game. They were nervous, uptight and off their game.

Ms. Moe did want to specifically ask Mr. Garrote a question concerning Oasis, but it was not the right forum. We would have loved to hear what she wanted to say to Mr. Garrote because she was ready to shoot him down from what we heard and one reporter for us saw.

Mr. Nelson is not a great public speaker. That is not putting him down. But people were not interested, only a few words on what he had to say.

Ms. Sierra did not show up again.  But that is ok in the Mayor's eye's.  But having cancer is not? Can't fiqure that one out.  Hope no one she knows or her family ever have to go through that. Never knowing when your time is up is a horrible place to be.  Ms. Waldman, we congradulate you too.  Your illness is nothing to laugh about and you still perform your duties.  Hats off to you too.

Elvis spoke very eloquent and we think he is possible going to beat out Nazi.  Nazi even said she is not a politician she is just a yes person.  Elvis has a heart and loves his city and we heard very committed.

Mr. Shelly very cool, calm  and also on point.  He is a really a nice person with his heart in the right place not looking for perks.  We commend you too.

Mr. Jimmie Williams, eloquent speaker and right on point and his heart is for Homestead too..

Mr. McCormick talking ghetto instead of speaking like a true politician, was very disturbing.

Oh, then his wife verbally attacked a mother outside after the debate. Remember she was already arrested for this kind of behavior.   Mayor you picked them and they all have bad back grounds.  However, they do say yes to everything you make them say yes to. 

The same usually suspects hanging around the Bell Team were there, Suzanne Newman and very few others.

But all in all the Bateman’s Slate had it together. Hat’s off to you guys because you did a marvelous job.

By the way where was Lobos? Strange she was not there or we did not see her there. Ever since she printed that letter to Chief of Police she has been lying low.  Maybe the Mayor is trying to remove herself, who knows.

But we have to commend Ms. Moe for standing her ground and making people  aware of whom she really is and was not scared to face the Team who talks so bad about her after she left.  Everything the Mayor did last night was a no, no for Ms. Moe.  She saw Ms. Moe as a threat because she is a very strong woman and does not follow.  Ms. Moe is a leader from what we see and hear.  Ms. Moe did an  interview with a newspaper reporter.  She told them she is not bitter at all and wanted that to be known but,  the other side kept condeming her and she felt  she should  stand behind someone who she believes in, Ms. Waldman. That is how she was taught she informed the reporter.   In fact, this was the first time she met with the other side. She was welcomed with open arms for telling truths on how they treated Ms. Waldman and others. She stated never before did she feel that kind of support and love from a group.  She was so pleased.  She stated well I will take my chances if they accept me for who I am.  If they do,  then part of my life and duty as a citizen and human  was forfilled.  They asked her no questions and greeted her so warmly again she said.

Ms. Moe also explained that the way she was brought up and also  her families political ties the proper thing to do is to support a canidate.  One you believe in.  She did support Ms. Waldman due to facts on how the Bell Team was playing dirty. Ms. Moe saw that and could not allow this to happen.  Ms. Moe also stated
experience counts.

 Garrote does not have experience for running this seat and she said  that he knows nothing about Oasis does . She said she is the "Oasis".   However, she said when she became ill due to her cancer and Lupus it was like a calling.  That is when she started thinking about the canidates.  She credits god for some strange way to lead her to Ms. Waldman and the other fine people she was to meet.

Ms. Moe  gave reporters only a very small part of what she has accomplished  in Oasis.

 Angel has no comparison in fact; she informed the reporter if “People are First” then why he allowed the building of homes in Aruba  that are and were suppose to be the same kind as those in Belize.  Those homes sold for 395,000.  Now they made that community all mix and match and are placing homes inside Aruba that now sell for 100,000. Dollars.  With the market the way it is today building those home just made the higher priced ones in Aruba much less valuable.  

 She informed the reporter that the builder was trying to do that in Belize were she put in a stop order. She told builders that all homes will be the same model and that she and her community will not allow a lower price home. That brings down the value more she told the reporter. She is so correct. Mr. Garrote, where are the “People First?” who you says you care's about?

Ms. Moe also informed reporters that she insisted on pool to be drained due to rebar wire and safety issues. Mr. Garrote has done nothing to help Oasis. She has gone as far as changing lightbulbs to keep cost down. Where was Mr. Garrote when a main water leak broke, she asked? This was recently, no where. She fixed it with her family. Management did not know how to fix it either. She is responsiable for much more and Ms. Waldman already knew and heard from her own sources what she has done and also knows about Oasis almost as she lived there too Ms. Moe said.   So she said how can he represent Oasis? Garrote has  done not one thing in there and only moved there to try to be a counsilman.   Ms. Moe said also, that Mr. Garrote told people he is a successful buinsess owner.  Not according to what we have posted

 She could go on but was pulled away by excited moms at Keys Gate School and from what we heard had to leave that reporter. 

Great Job guys and everyone get out there to vote.

Make an educated vote.  Please read and decide.  Remember they decieve we let you decide.  Thank you blogger for making that comment about supporting Nelson.  We replaced the picture.   We also had to reword as was stated by other blogger.   It was late.  We are on Pacific time and when we get the news we have to go tired or not.  But thank you and we dont take any foul in that remark. 


Wednesday, October 28, 2009

More Political Satire for Holloween and Words For The Team that May Help Them.

 Could not change the Name, but it should read:

Hello my name is Lynda Bell............

The whole "Team" needs this class big time, including Alex.

City Manager Job Contriversay? You Heard It Here First. See What Other Blog's Are Saying, Must Have Some Teeth To It.

Mike Shehadeh has made the spotlight in recent Homestead City Council meetings, for his out spoken verbal discussions with incumbent Councilwomen Judy Waldman. The Mayor and City Manager came under fire for both receiving raises in the time when City of Homestead had to layoff "20" plus city employees. Wendy Lobos attempted to justify the raise for Shehadeh by saying "that the city manager saved the city 11 million dollars in expenses".

Audelia Martinez, pleaded with city council to be reasonable across the board and salary cuts should come from above starting with Mayor, City Council and City Manager. A plea that was ignored!

Now, there’s speculation that Ex-Vice Mayor Steve Losner will be come the next City Manager if Lynda Bell is re-elected as Mayor for 2 more years?? Steve Losner left many if his supporters in shock and disappointment when he physically appeared at City Hall with intent to run documentation and never submitted his bid by the deadline. I guess this explains why he didn’t run and why he supports Lynda Bell after the negative campaigning from the 2007 elections.

Deputy City Manager Johanna Faddis, has proved and earned the opportunity to City Manager if it ever arises, but if this is true this tells you that the old saying is very true..” It’s not what you know, but who you know”.!

And you bloggers state that it was untrue? Well, it is getting out there.  Read between the lines.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Another Political Satire On Lobos. The Bloggers Begged So Here It Is....Funny or Not It May Hit The Spot.

There once was a person named Lobos;

Who thought the election for mayor’s position looked real close;

But when the Mayor won they said " hey lets have some fun!"

And from that point never got anything done.

The first Hispanic with no need to panic

She sits on the counsel with high view and thinks she will never lose;

When Election comes around she won’t be found

Cause she is gong to sink like the Titanic.

At the first sign of any trouble

She comes to the Mayor’s side on the double;

When the Mayor gets sparks

She throws the darts

So the Mayor won’t get in trouble.

She says that she is not sinner but

She is so far in her;

With her mouth open wide

She can taste what the Mayor had for dinner.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Election Poetry Laugh....Bye Bye Baby, Baby Good Bye

There was an old woman named Bell
Who thought being first mayor was swell,
 Was not her endeavors
That made her so clever,
 Twas' hiding the bills and that did smell.

The Mayor had high lofty views,
She didn't think could lose;
A campaign goes quick,
When the City is sick,
If you only translate good news

An auditor free of mayoral looks,
Can take better care of balancing the books
But the Mayor is right
It depends on your sight,
 She claims "Independant" but is part of the crooks!

The first woman mayor to run
Thought her job would be lots of fun,

Yet issues perplexing,
Did prove very vexing,
And Homestead said, "Once and Done."


Saturday, October 24, 2009

Lobos and Mayor Sound Off to Our Police Force For Non Support of Them. Lets Give Them Something To Talk About Now. NEW

Well it seems that Councilwoman Lobos or the pit bull has written an email to the Chief of Police and City Manager of Homestead. Talk is all over town about this email. People are requesting copies but the city will not release it yet. When it gets released, we will post it.

Guess what? One of our eyes and ears that watch out for the resident’s just received this in form of an email. So we are going to post it. Also, a cover letter that appalled someone after reading this email, that we felt it warrants a post too. Things get around fast here and we have plenty of eyes and ears out there for you.

She shows her disgust with our city Police Chief and City Manager for not supporting or backing her "dictator" the Mayor. One can only figure out why?

A while back while speaking with a Homestead Policeman he stated that the only reason they have their jobs is because it is an Election year for the Mayor. They are not dumb, Mayor or Lobos. They know if it was not an election year all the low level men would have been out of work. You really think they were going to support you with all your demands and threats?

You played the pat me on the back thing too long along with Lobos and Sierra trying to win them over.

Let’s ask this Mayor… did your daughter get into the academy? She was shoved by your demands. I know a lot of police and the same time your daughter applied this person who is more qualified than her was told there was a freeze on hiring or putting anyone in the academy. It looks like you abuse your power to us. Last night her daughter graduated from the Police Academy and the Mayor ordered to have 4 honor guards there. What did that costs us?

Another abuse of our tax dollars is the Mayor who can afford to go to school using her own money is using tax payers dollars to provide and education for herself. Nice when some of us struggle to get a loan and can not. Why did you not pay for your education from your pocket? Let someone who really needs to use the system correctly do so.

Additionally, while some of our eyes and ears were around town at various places the Mayor and the rest of her clan where, our eyes and ears overheard the reason Looser, no Losner is backing the Mayor is because she promised him the job of the next City Manager. How’s that for having power. The dictator does whatever she pleases but not without Lobos.

The Mayor approved this email and had her pit bull write it for her. So who is the real Mayor? It looks like Lobos to us. Especially when other members are told they are not allowed to write emails without going through the City Manager first.  Here is facts, so you decide while we get decieved.

Steve Bateman's Bio. Some Bloggers Wanted Both Sides. So Now You See What He Stands For.

My Name is Steve Bateman. I am running for Homestead Mayor. I am a 45-year Homestead resident and a Homestead business-owner for 30 years. I have deep roots in Homestead and a strong connection to its past and a clear vision for its future. My opponent in the Mayor’s race is incumbent Mayor Lynda Bell.

I was raised in Homestead and embrace the values that Homestead holds dear. I understand Homestead’s strengths, opportunities, and challenges. Homestead is in transition and needs a strong guiding hand. I have the courage, commitment, and character to provide that new leadership.

My campaign platform includes:

· strong advocacy for Homestead’s taxpayers,

· commitment to better education,

· increased commitment to and support of local businesses,

· controlled economic growth,

· increased opportunities for Homestead’s youth, and

· a tough posture on crime.

Higher taxes, foreclosures, and local economic conditions are shattering Homestead’s
families and the American Dream on an unprecedented scale. I pledge to create the most cost-effective, efficient, and responsive government possible and to reduce Homestead’s tax burden on its residents.

Official Campaign Activities are ongoing.

Please contact the campaign office for details at (305) 242-6777

Friday, October 23, 2009

McCormick Lives In Oasis. You Read And Decide For Yourselves. They Continue To Decieve But You Make The Call.

Well we got a hold of Melvin McCormick’s Bio for Council Seat 4. That is the S.W. Section of Homestead. His wife, a stripper in her former year’s a/k/a China Doll, endorses him for that seat. That is wonderful and that is what a good wife would do  for her husband right?

Then can you please explain Mr. McCormick according to the records your wife purchased property in the Oasis section, called the Vineyards one month before you got married. That the address you use on your flyers is not were you live it is your mom, dad or some other relatives address. On that same property you claim to live in has taxes owed in the amount of $23577.37. The property listed is under Sampson and Mary Lee McCormick.

Now are you going to inform us that you don’t live in the Oasis with your new wife but live with mommy and daddy and that you owe back taxes? Or are you going to claim that is your moms and dad’s home and you have no responsibility to pay those taxes because you don’t live there? Which is it Mr. McCormick? Where do you live? Why are you trying to represent a seat that you really don’t live at? Why did you not go for Seat 6? We guess because it was a shoe in for you, since the Mayor picked you to begin with.

Do you think that people are going to believe that you don’t live with your wife when she endorses you publicly and on your bio’s? Especially in that nice home over in the Oasis? Do you just visit your wife? It seems that you are trying to pull the wool over people’s eyes. We should have known, the Mayor hand picked you. Just like Angel, Sierra, Lobos, Nelson. All yes Mayor, please don’t crack that whip!

Isn’t that the seat Jimmy Williams III is running for too? But through your ruse you let the people you represent think you live in the S.W. section. You don’t. How pitiful. Jimmy needs to challenge you on why you live in Oasis and claim to live in the S.W. and why those taxes have not been paid.

Also, are you not the one showing criminals how to expunge their records at the YMCA? That is real nice for someone to show a criminal how to expunge their criminal history, right on brother man! Let them hide their criminal past so others don’t know if they are living near a convicted person or not. All we have to say Mr. McCormick, a job well done for the municipality. We stand behind you all the way or at least the Mayor does. Where is the Miami Herald? Why are they not catching on to this corrupt group?

Sierra Hit With Legal Battle On Mortgage Fraud And Claims She Was The Victim. These Documents Show Differently.

Another Counsil member caught up in a legal battle. This time it is Nazi Sierra. Look at the documents published and there  are more in the court records.

 Thank you blogger for making this known, but we already had the dibs. We were not going to publish it but since people are asking questions about this we felt since many do not know how to search for public records we help them out. And we did have a soft spot for this mislead sheep. 

The first one posted is from the Office of the Property Appraiser of Miami-Dade. What it shows is that since July, 2005 the sale of this property was disqualified as a result of examination of deed. This is because Ms. Sierra’s in-laws quite claimed this property for 10.00 to Nazi and her husband. Look and see her signature is on this document incriminating her. It seems the mortgage company knew nothing about this and it seems it was never approved by the mortgage company. You can’t buy that kind of home for 10.00 when it was purchased by her in-laws on 8/2004 for 237, 781.

The next document shows the beginning of a foreclosure by the mortgage company due to the scam of the quite-claim deed.

The next is the property search of the Sierra home. On the bottom of the page it states “Sale information”. This document also shows sale amount as $0, then sale o/r has a number 23783-1466, then it shows Sales which are disqualified as a result of the examination of the deed.  Go to  for all this information or just point on to the picture and click and it will make it larger to see.

So when she claims “victim” it surely doesn’t look like it from this angle. It looks like Ms. Sierra and her Husband and in-laws were all part of this scam. They knew exactly what they were doing and show no shame. Now we know she hired an attorney at this point, who would not? The attorney most likely advised her to say she was a victim. How can you be a victim when you participate in this kind of immoral behavior? Could you please explain it so us lay people understand? How can you even sit on the Counsel? They all talk about Ms. Waldman who has an They all talk about Ms. Waldman wh has an impeccable record and each one sitting, except for Vice-Mayor is hiding something.

The man running against Ms. Sierra they state had a foreclosure. That is not the same as Mortgage Fraud which is being stated by many. I would rather vote for someone with a foreclosure than someone who did immoral behavior. This ticket runs on integrity. So far integrity is no were to be found. Integrity left the building. 

We need someone who knows how to run a city without getting kick backs or back rubs. 

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Angel Is Talking Again Trying to Gather Information From a Convicted Felon.

Well a couple weeks ago at a met and great, one of our "looking out for you guys" was listening to a lot of conversations that Angel had with a couple of others in the room.

He keeps trying to get information on a candidate that is no longer running. He is also spreading these rumors around about her. Who cares right? When you’re getting your information from a convicted felon we don't think it holds salt. Anyway, she is out of the picture.

First let this blog inform you were he is getting his false information from. He is gathering information from a vicious woman just like Angel who has been and still is considered a convicted felon. Just to show you how much creditability she has, we did a search and found lots of information. We are only going to place 3 here. This woman also lost custody of her child to her ex-husband. We have the transcripts and it is too ugly to post why she lost the custody of her child and we don't want any child to be hurt. This is a great person to gather truth and information from Angel. On top of that we know who she personally is and were she works and how she informs others of what she informed you. Angel also thinks this person knows Ms. Waldman. Well to ease all your minds, she hasn't a clue about Ms. Waldman and she just moved here 6 months ago anyway to cause trouble as she did in her other state.

Angel, you need to stop focusing on the candidate who is not running but concentrate on the one who is going to whoop you.

Also, while mulling around another thing caught our ears. We heard that the Mayor paid almost 300.00 for all of Ms. Waldmans’ records, since Ms. Waldman started with the City. She gave all that information to Mr. Garrote. They were gathered anonymously too and handed right over to Angel. Angel you need to keep your mouth tightly sealed. Lose lips sinks ships. Keep going to these parties we will find out more.

Now we all know is that this will be denied. Ms. Waldman you will see when questions are asked of you that this information is only known by the gathering of your records. We all know it is public record, but who is going to pay close to $300.00 to get them. Only those people who are obsessed with Ms. Waldman and want her out. Angel is hiding under the coattails of the Mayor and the other counsel members, except for the Vice-Mayor. So you will know this article is the truth. There is no way to prove it unless, Ms. Waldman you ask and see who pulled your records within the last 3 months or so and how many people did pull your records. Someone is playing foul ball here.

Why is this Mayor and sitting counsel so obsessed with Ms. Waldman that they would go to the lengths of gathering all her records? We will  tell you what we think. We think it is  because she does not go along with everything they want and she votes the way her mind tells her too. She is not a robot like the rest of this counsel.  That is what the Mayor wants on counsel. 

So everyone go to eagle eye and the other blogs out there. They just throw around things. ALL WE CAN SAY IS;


Court Documents showing fraud of Angels informant.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Angel Take Some Dance Lesson's From Bob Fosse Classical, "Hey Big Spender".

Hey there Big Spender!

Try these moves at your next debate maybe you may get a standing ovation.

After all you’re not going to win and this may be your only chance in getting votes.

You were better off as an Independent, fool instead of jumping in with the people who first snubbed you.

It is a strip version (nothing bad from Broadway Play) video with music from the great Bob Fosse to go along with your pose. Angel don’t you really wish you had all those admirer’s looking at you like they do to this Big Spender? So now we are trying to achieve that for you.  Watch the moves and study them very hard so you don't miss a step.

People really don't care what you have to say anymore since you struck a pose and revealed the real you along with all those failed businesses.

So go with the flow have a little laugh and do a little dance for us. Enjoy the fun. Don't be a sour apple. Let's see what you’re really made of. Please dance for us.

We thought we just throw a little humor in this blog. Just for you Angel. Ready, 1, 2, 3, your on........

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Will The Real Angel Garrote Please Stand Up? New Picture Of Mr. Garrote Posing on Facebook.

Well here we are again everyone. This time we found Angel Garrote’s Face Book home page dated on June 14, 2009. Looks like Angel has cleaned up his image for this upcoming race. Is this the person who you really want to be elected in seat number 6 representing you? This picture of Angel shows everyone, we hope what kind of person he really is.  What would have happened if a minor child saw this picture? It looks perverted to anyone who has half a brain.
What are you looking for Angel down there in your pants? Is all your equipment there? Maybe are you looking for those perks promised to you?

Don’t let this man fool you people. This picture represents a thousand and one words.

Remember, he moves around more than a professional moving company.

From previous post, it is shown there is not any mortgage listed on the property he claims he owns. Only an Agreement, filed with the Courts. The Agreement is from the Homeowners Association saying that basically we will sell it to you or anyone. It looks like because the mortgage was not being paid. Look at the previous post and go to :

So, we felt like dedicating a special song for you Angel.  Click below and watch the video and your song;

 Get this from a news article published;

Candidate: Angel Garrote

• Age: 43

• Occupation: Business development manager, CompUSA

The city's role is to create and promote an attractive business climate. Let's start with affordability. We need to lower the cost of starting and operating a business (taxes, utilities, fees). Lower overhead is a basic requirement for any profitable business. Next, let's make it quick and easy. No jumping through hoops to open up a business here. We need to have a business development team in place to provide the support and handholding if necessary to get our businesses up and running quickly.

Lastly, my 17 years in business has taught me that having a good product is not enough; you need to tell people about your product and what it has to offer. By this I mean marketing. We need to promote and market the City to the business community to let them know we are here with open arms. ``Homestead - Ready for Business.''

The last time we looked all your business went under. Go to   He is listed under corporations. There are so many that we just reposted one. 

So Angel what do you know about business? From what we can see, it is running them to the ground. We guess the same thing you want to do to Homestead, while pretending you’re not running with the Mayor. An inconvenient truth for you but the public should know this. Would the real Angel please step forward? Pervert, Businessman, Owner, and Manager, which one is it this time? Your not the canidate for seat 6 at all.  You can't even run your own business.  How do you expect to run the city?  

Hey Mayor Is This How You Keep Your Counsil In Line Crack That Whip!!!!!

Well everyone, it looks like the Mayor got in a huff with the last blog. Even to the point of calling one of her candidates who is no longer in the race out. The Mayor thought her tricks were to get a battle going on this blog with the old candidate. It did not happen, too bad to the Mayor‘s surprise. But what it did show us, is just how far the Mayor will go if you don’t listen to her or believe her. She will not stop even against someone who states they have been ill. It also shows us the candidate who is no longer running has “Integrity”. She would not get down in the mud and also placed her name on this blog. She did not hide who she was.  Good for her for speaking out. 

We do now believe that she may really use that whip.

 Instead of ring my BELL; it should be this song;

“Crack that Whip”.

 Listen and watch the short video.  Just a little humor on a serious Blog. 

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Who is smarter than a 5th grader? We know do you?

Now the other blog kromeave.... posted this ? to Mr. Shelly:

This guy running for Seat 1 on the Homestead City Council actually asked this question of the Ethics panel. Duh, if my live-in GF works for a lobbyist and appears before me on the Homestead Zoning Board is that a conflict? Mmmm.......could be, what is wrong with these people?

We  can only respond to this blog one thing.  Mr. Shelly has a JD degree.  Do you know what that is? Are you smarter than a fifth grader:   Mr. Shelly has to ask these questions.  His record proves he is ethical and to ask another ethical question and to be slammed again by opposition is just down right wrong. 

So Mr. Blogger,  who everyone seems to point to a man named Alex what is a JD degree ? How well did you ever do on any ethical questions? I am sure if you have a job there were some posed to you.  Where is your record?  Mr. Shelly is an attorney who all the time must pass and be tested on ethics.  He is  ethical no matter what kind of rumors are around about attorney's.  They are watched everyday and according to Florida Bar not one complaint.  Show Homestead your record?  To be slammed on asking any question shows how mean this oppositon will go.  He has right to get correct answers regardless if you feel that they are not warrented.  At least he did ask.  Glad to see that he also wants to know facts.  That is what attorney's do. They ask questions and find facts.  His job as an attorney is put on the line.  So why not ask the question.  We know who is smarter.  Mr. Shelly is in this one.  His record shows it. 

Theme Song

New Song And Video that Fits the Mayor's Spending

Well our reporters are all around.  So just wanted to inform Homestead of what was seen this last weekend at the Speedway in Homestead.

1.  The Mayor calls for a Budget Cut? Then when Counsilwoman Waldman exposed to the public,  the raise of the City Manager, she was slammed by both. See Homestead Town Hall Meeting Budget number 2.

2.  Only  the City Manager and the Mayor recieved a raise. Very interesting, ha. Nothing was said about the Mayor's raise though. Wonder why?

3. So let’s get on what our reporters found while they were at the Speedway this weekend. The Mayor and all her "friends on counsel "were there except one and we also did not see Vice Mayor there either. The one that we noticed who was not there was Councilwoman Waldman. We only can assume that she had enough sense to see what was going on and she did not want to be part of this waste in spending that has been going on. Smart move. Also, just to inform the public last week there was a Taste of Waterstone. Well everyone was invited except Waldman and Vice Mayor why is that? I think the people in Homestead thought this was a team counsel. It is far from that from the way it looks to our reporters.

4.  Do you know all the previous years, at this event hot dogs and  hamburgers were served to those in "Skybox" and the city paid for this.  This year our reporters told us they were all eating, get this......FILET MINGON TIPS AND SHRIMP! THE CITY PAID FOR THIS ON YOUR BACKS.  Wish this time we had pictures as we usually do, but this time we dont.  If pictures were taking then we could not get the information on what we have to begin with. It would be hidden.  Sorry folks.  So either believe it or not this time.   

Nice budget cuts Mayor and nice raise.

Who has the puppets on a string? Interested in who slings the mud here is the other blog that does not tell facts:

Monday, October 12, 2009

Answers to Blogger Question is Angel a Business Man or what? He Wants to run this city? Can't even run a business how can he run a city?

17. What does administratively dissolved, administratively revoked, involuntarily dissolved, and revoked for annual report mean?

Under current law, a Florida entity which fails to file its annual report form as required is administratively dissolved by our office. If the entity is a foreign (or out-of-state) entity, its certificate of authority to transact business in Florida is administratively revoked. Under previous law, entities which failed to file their annual reports were involuntarily dissolved or revoked for annual report. So, these terms have the same meaning. The entities are no longer active on our records. These business entities may reinstate by filing a reinstatement application and paying the applicable fees. When the reinstatement is effective, it relates back to and takes effect as of the effective date of the dissolution or revocation

These are some of his failed adventures.  They were all Administative Dissolutioned, check out the link and the Definitions by the State of Florida and see more of his business are the same. We thought three would be enough.  So this man wants to help Homestead? Run it where? We guess by his record he rather have it dissolved.  Hope this gives that person some of the answers. 
Failed homeowner, moved all over according to these documents and failed Businesses.  The question is to all residents is this who you would want in Seat 6? Think again and hard.  Very hard.

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Steve Bateman' s: Opponets spread rumors on a lawsuit and legal terms for the layperson.

  • The other canidates made up form.  Which stops in telling the whole truth.

Real document from court.  This shows all legal functions in this case.  We will below, give you the meaning of some legal terms that may help you understand.  Below this document is a made up version on what the opposition placed on thier blog.  Not real it was made up.  Anyone can see this. 

Now, legal lesson on terms and how the proces works.
Summons was the first document placed on thier document.
  • A  Summons is a legal document needed for any complaintto be  filed. It states how many days you have to answer the complaint.
  • Complaint is a legal document that starts the process of a law suit against one party or multiple parties.
  • Service Returned: The Batemans were never served so it gets returned.  This neans that the Batemans were deprived in thier rights to answer the complaint in a timely fashion.  No one can be deprived of life, liberty or property without "due process of law:" This is according to our Consitution.  In order for a suit to be legal everyone has the right to "due process" as per the 5th Admendment Rights given to all.  Since they were never served properly thier right were then violated.
  • Motion for Default:  The party that could not serve the other party, usually goes back into court to ask for a Motion for Default or any other Motion.  A Motion is a legal document that list what releif is sought by the moving party.  In this case American Express.  This usually happens.  A Default means that the person or persons did not show up in court and usually the judge will give whatever the moving party is asking for (American Express, is the moving party for this matter). 
  • Default: Just saying that the case was settled by default.  This is were the other blogger stops.  Look again at the real one. 
The real one goes further to show that another Motion was filed. It did not just stop with a default against the Batemans.  It shows that the Batemans hired an attorney after they found out about this legal matter.
  • Many courts and attorney's don't really like defaults because they can be reopened because :
  • Due Process righs were not followed.  The Defandents attorney can always ask for a Motion as follows;
  • excusable neglect
    n. a legitimate excuse for the failure of a party or his/her lawyer to take required action (like filing an answer to a complaint) on time. This is usually claimed to set aside a default judgment for failure to answer (or otherwise respond) in the period set by law. Illness, press of business by the lawyer (but not necessarily the defendant), or an understandable oversight by the lawyer's staff ("just blame the secretary") are common excuses which the courts will often accept. However, if the defendant loses the complaint or fails to call his/her attorney the courts will be less lenient. In any event, the defendant must also show he/she had some worthwhile defense.
  • It usally works.  No judge wants his case to go to appeal for default.
  • The Batemans as by the real document shows they are working to have this legal mess finished in a law of Court.
No one even knows why this happened.  It could be a purchased for this sum of money or less, yes less and the Batemans were trying to work with the credit card company.  Oh, by the way everyone thinks that American Express has to be paid off at time of billing.  That is not true.  Usually anything between 500.00 dollars and upward there is a payment plan as with other credit card companies have. 
The product could have been defective.  Mail was late, they were away on vacation.  Anything could have happened. 
You Don't accuse someone without all the facts. Especially not telling all the facts.  REMEMBER, WE ARE ALL INNOCENT UNTIL PROVEN GUILTY.
This is how the opponents work here in Homestead. Looking out for themselves, spreading rumors.  We give the truth for all to see.  Not hear say. 

Saturday, October 10, 2009

Does Angel Garrote Really Care? Does He Really Own As He Claim. Doesn't Look Like It.

Here we are again with more public records on the candidate who says he cares about his community. Angel Garrote. Aren’t you the one who coins the phrase: I care about my community? Is it Waterstone? No, because you were foreclosed upon in Portofino Estates just recently. (see docs) Is it Isles of Oasis? You claim you’re an owner in Caribbean Isles Villas Condominiums. Your not (see docs). So where is your community Mr. Hop along from District to District to just try to get a seat. We think it is just for the perks. Because before you moved to Oasis, you lived in Santa Barbara Estates, not knowing it was going to be part of the Oasis Seat and left there fast from what the neighbors told us.

Well from the look at these legal documents it looks like the bank is the only owner. All you have to show is a Certificate of Approval for Sale. This Certificate of Approval for Sale document does not stand up on its own merit. It only shows that the HOA agreed to sell this property because it was being foreclosed upon. Additionally, according to the legal documents as of March 3, 2009 the original owner let the bank assume the mortgage back. Mr. Garrote, where is your proof that you’re even qualified for the Oasis Seat, can you produce it? Your name is no were to be found saying you are the owner as you claim to people on the date stated. Where is your lease? There is even a Writ of Possession on that property dated October 7, 2008.

Did you pay the fees for common ground deposit if you rent? If you rent, produce the lease and whom it was executed with.

No title, no mortgage, and sources inform us that management in Oasis seem to think you are the owner due to that Certificate of Approval for Sale, which has gone no where. and shows you are trying to pull wool over somone's eyes. 

Anyone with common sense can tell you after a foreclosure, you are not qualified to even purchase a home. Especially with all the legal fees you had to pay.  Not to mention going through a Divorce must have cost you a pretty penny. So it can’t be you bought it for cash?

Also, Mr. Garrote how about the Final Judgment for Attorney’s Fees? Did you pay them all? Did you do everything it says in that Final Judgment? Your businesses, all have seem to go under too. So you want to run Homestead, when you cant even run your own life and finances’ That should tell the people something.