Saturday, October 24, 2009

Lobos and Mayor Sound Off to Our Police Force For Non Support of Them. Lets Give Them Something To Talk About Now. NEW

Well it seems that Councilwoman Lobos or the pit bull has written an email to the Chief of Police and City Manager of Homestead. Talk is all over town about this email. People are requesting copies but the city will not release it yet. When it gets released, we will post it.

Guess what? One of our eyes and ears that watch out for the resident’s just received this in form of an email. So we are going to post it. Also, a cover letter that appalled someone after reading this email, that we felt it warrants a post too. Things get around fast here and we have plenty of eyes and ears out there for you.

She shows her disgust with our city Police Chief and City Manager for not supporting or backing her "dictator" the Mayor. One can only figure out why?

A while back while speaking with a Homestead Policeman he stated that the only reason they have their jobs is because it is an Election year for the Mayor. They are not dumb, Mayor or Lobos. They know if it was not an election year all the low level men would have been out of work. You really think they were going to support you with all your demands and threats?

You played the pat me on the back thing too long along with Lobos and Sierra trying to win them over.

Let’s ask this Mayor… did your daughter get into the academy? She was shoved by your demands. I know a lot of police and the same time your daughter applied this person who is more qualified than her was told there was a freeze on hiring or putting anyone in the academy. It looks like you abuse your power to us. Last night her daughter graduated from the Police Academy and the Mayor ordered to have 4 honor guards there. What did that costs us?

Another abuse of our tax dollars is the Mayor who can afford to go to school using her own money is using tax payers dollars to provide and education for herself. Nice when some of us struggle to get a loan and can not. Why did you not pay for your education from your pocket? Let someone who really needs to use the system correctly do so.

Additionally, while some of our eyes and ears were around town at various places the Mayor and the rest of her clan where, our eyes and ears overheard the reason Looser, no Losner is backing the Mayor is because she promised him the job of the next City Manager. How’s that for having power. The dictator does whatever she pleases but not without Lobos.

The Mayor approved this email and had her pit bull write it for her. So who is the real Mayor? It looks like Lobos to us. Especially when other members are told they are not allowed to write emails without going through the City Manager first.  Here is facts, so you decide while we get decieved.


  1. What nerve Lobos has. She is so use to 3rd world politics, maybe that is where the mayor learned them, corrupt and she thinks she runs this town. Cant wait for the Waldman and Lobos showdown.

    Also, Lobos while running for her seat was not living in homestead but in florida city. She is very close, too close to the mayor. She is the mayor's mouth piece. Also used our tax dollars to go to school. Lobos is a mean person. Dont cross her or the Mayor or the wrath of the devil will get you.

    Lobos you sicken me. How dare you write such a letter. Do you think your God's gift to this city? Well information hotline here to tell you that your corrupt, liar and so is your other half. I wonder if they can even go to the bathroom without holding hands.

  2. And you talk about Lynda Bell being a liar? The writer(s) of this piece has/have gone too far! Don't know what sewer you are dredging this up from, but as far as Bell promising Losner the City Manager job, you have lost you ever lovin' mind! The Mayor would NEVER make a deal like that unless hell was freezing over! Do you honestly think she would do something that far fetched when she couldn't even "grant" him his previous seat back? Furthermore, the Mayor and Shehadeh are buddies and have a great working relationship, why would she want to fire him? She wouldn't, you make no sense! I seriously question your motive in putting out that false piece of information, sounds real fishy too me...Last but not least, until you can show me proof that Losner is even supporting the Mayor, you have jeopardized the validity of this blog, you are operating nothing more than a rumor mill. Go ahead and keep it churning, in the end you are only hurting your "chosen" candidates.

  3. One thing doesn't make sense here. The PBA endorsed Nazy. Why would the PBA support Nazy? She is part of the same group and tows the same line as Lobos, Melvin, Nelson, and Bell. Until you can answer that i'll be skeptical of this whole post.

  4. watch what happens and you will see for your own eyes. It evens says that losner supports the mayor on another blog. this blog has people going to parties with them and they report back from what i gather so, time will tell. Must be part of that corrupt team. Shehada and Mayor are buddies? Nice to know that is why she fired the old city manager and made him publicly state things in order to keep his pension and hire her buddy. Buddies ha? Well that goes to show you something. Lets see what happens big mouth. I hope this blogger finds out more on She had too and the rest. Give this blog something to write about if you know something factual that can be proven with documents about the other side. I am sure this blog will post it. Seems like someone is not liking the info that are facts. There are some things at this time I am sure that this blogger has but can not prove. But for certian it is 98% correct correct and proves it not with rumors but fact. Now what is reported back to them that maybe hearsay but I dont think this political watchdog group is lying one bit.

    Sorry Lobos your a loser. Have you asked why to yourself in this economic time that the Mayor spent over 300.00 on Judy Waldman to give to Angel? Anyone can get them but who would spend that unless your a canidate, news, tv. I would not waste my funds on it. I watch and go to meetings and see just how Lobos, Mayor, Sierra, McCormick and Nelson treat people and Ms. Waldman. It is down right rude. Feelings got hurt when the endorsement did not turn out like they planned. LOL. I believe that comment was written by the pit bull herself. Oh, it is not about being fired, you will see. There is more too it than you know. It will come out, he wont be there for long as the talk goes. That is why Losner will be sitting there if she gets re-elected. I see this blog put up things about Bateman for people to comment on. The whose smarter than a fifth grader comment to an attorney was just out there. oh and the mayors talking blog by the man named alex was taken down? why? because he did not want to be investigated himself. Smartest move he ever did. I guess in your eyes it is ok to talk about someones autistic child as was mentioned here by the other side. I have a seeing problem we dont see eye to eye. Go back to your hole Lobos and stay there. LBFM. Gone to far? because they caught you guys again. Eyes are wide opened to this crew of 5. Only Vice Mayor and Waldman are the decent ones on this counsil. Show facts to this blog and they will post them i believe.

    Waldman what anyone says and I dont even know her but from what Ihave read and seen at meetings she is the only one with class and brains. She doesn't demand things cause she is the Mayor. I know a lot of people who know both you lobos and the mayor and you guys are not very well liked. But from the tone of the post you must be inside with them if your not LOBOS responding. Go to the other blogs and see what is said, there is your proof. and by the way you guys have a great way of trying to cover up. Why I am wasting time even writting this boggles me. but it hit a sour note did it not LOBOS

  5. Yes they supported Nazi but not the Mayor. What does that tell you. this letter is straight from Lobos blackberry. So why doubt it. It was not made up. That is why Lobos is so mad. Love it....The police dept know they only have thier jobs because of election year and Mayor wanted thier support. So what does that say? It is in black and white right here. Nazi may be part of the team but they thought out of them she would give them what they want maybe. She even states she is not political one bit so take it for what it is. Do you think someone has a blackberry with Lobos name to these people one it. It got out and our investigators got it. They dont know who is who anymore. Maybe Angel slipped again, who knows? But I see it. do you think someone made this up. You the kind that has to get hit over the head. your the kind that would have marched and listen to hitler it seems. Proof in the pudding as they say; they were caught with this document that they did not want released. People were asking for it cause they heard about it. So here it is. Cant tell you why they supported Nazi only they did not support the Mayor which outraged LOBOS

  6. You think the statement "sent from my handheld Blackberry" is proof of anything? I bet a lot of students at Homestead High wish you were their teacher. Everytime they skip they could turn in a note saying "please excuse my son from class yesterday. He was sick. signed mom"

  7. Someone has lost their marbles. Bell would not appoint Losner to scrape the gum off the bottom of the seats at City Hall much less cut any deal with him for any reason. Show me proof of Losner supporting Bell ( and the fact he is not publicly "down " with Bateman does not count).

  8. Oh, Lobos you deny you wrote this? this is your pattern. did not think something would come your way. turn everything around. i would like to see you take a lie detector on this one.

  9. You got me, I'm Lobos. You guys really have no clue do you?

  10. All we can say is this document was turned over through our investagators. We post what we get. If Ms. Lobos you deny you wrote this, I would suggest you inform us on who did. This was not made up it came from your blackberry and all we can do is post what we recieve. The buzz was around town that you guys would not release this and are trying to keep it a secret. So when it came our way we posted it. Sorry if it leaked. Additionally sorry if you did not write this. But the question here is who did. You were mad as heck because they did not endorse the Mayor. That is fact. So it fits. Go ahead and erase it but it will surface again I am sure. Again, sorry, but we post what we get. It is up to those to believe or not. We are the political watchdogs.

  11. If it's posted on the Internet then it has to be true.

    P.S.- Investigators? Really??? Please.........

  12. Boy your really uptight there. take a breather. if it is a legal doc yes it is true. emails faxes also serve as legal docs too. so make up your own mind. i made up mine. out to lobos.

  13. Poor Wendy, it is all sliping away. Isn't there a bible lesson about a house built on a foundation of sand will soon collapse.

  14. I think so. Let her post the verse. after all they all hide behind the bible but dont follow its lessons. you know what they say about those who hide behind the bible. god is with me were ever i go. you dont have to go to church to prove that. know what the bible states and all you have to do is ask the lord to forgive u and that you take him into your life and your reborn.
    proverbs says this Ms. Lobos;

    what we say shows our real attitude towards others. how we talk reveals what were really like, our speech is a test of how wise we become. can you tell us what proverb that is ms bible trotter? Also it states, although people work very hard for money and fame. God views success as having a good REPUTATION, MORALS AND CHARACTER and the spirtial devotion to obey him.

    you are neither one of these proverbs. Also a strategy for effective living requires Moral application. In which you lie about this email and show no morals, not a good retutation or charcter, especially when you say things about others on your counsil. The meek will inherit the earth Lobos.

    Things god hates is those who are proud, evil plans and untruthful.

    now go read some more i am not your bible teacher.

  15. Some of the union reps told me about this email that Lobos had sent, sometime last week. Someone said the govenor Crist could actually be able to remove Lobos from her seat on council because of this. Is that true? Man I would love to have that happen! That means we would get rid of Nazy, Bell, Nelson, Mccormick, and Lobos in one big swoop!!!! Happy days...

  16. at least someone see's the light and truth for what she is. trying to cover up her email.

    nice try.

  17. The bible is all bullshit anyways. The sooner all the born agains are run out of office the better.

  18. Amen to the bible born again in office not to the bible. Anyway it is a story told by man and passed down.

  19. Bye by Wendy, the downtown power structure that is supporting Bell and enticing her to go on to bigger things is on board with Nazy. You are no longer the chosen one. Mamma Lynda does not like you best anymore and she is pushing hard for Nazy to be second fiddle. All while you still do her dirty work. You are dispensible to bell. That is why we must elect Steve Shelley as the next Vice Mayor.

  20. The Police endorse Bateman because of what he stands for. You are looking for something on him and cant find anything, but there are loads of junk on Bell and her team of thugs. Bateman is one of the Good Guys. Need proof? You will see when he is in office. The proof is in the pudding, not in made up stories, tactics, etc that people (anyone) feels like posting on the internet. WE BELIEVE IN STEVE!!!

  21. The latest is that Wynda and Lendy and not the only two who are trying to throw their weight around and make threats. Seems that both a sub shop and smoothie emporium in a large shopping center on the east side were exercising their political free speech by displaying signs for Elvis. Word is that Ms Fairclough-McCormick came in a told the owner she was a big shot in this town and that the store would never have any city business. So, girls, are we nervous or just uppity and thinking we are above the law ?

  22. What was the China Doll doing there? She catching the bus to the Booby Trap? That Melly Mick is a straight up pimp and player.
