Sunday, November 1, 2009

Did Mayor Bell Increase the FCAT Scores of Local Schools? I Don’t Think So.

Did Mayor Bell Increase the FCAT Scores of Local Schools? I Don’t Think So.

October 22nd, 2009

Perhaps someone in our fine audience can inform me as to how elected officials of the City of Homestead can change the FCAT ratings of Homestead schools. Perhaps I am misguided but I thought that was the purview of the Miami-Dade County School System. Mayor Lynda Bell in her last mailer is taking credit for just that. Is it possible that our now not so beloved Mayor has increased the FCAT scores of local schools? I really don’t think so. This is another instance of the grand mis-representations and disingenuous behavior of Homestead’s slate of elected officials.

1 comment:

  1. She is so full of it. Our children come home with more work than any other county. Our friends live all over Florida and this is bull, they fail here all the time with FCATS. What another turn around lie on the Mayors behalf.
