Friday, October 23, 2009

Sierra Hit With Legal Battle On Mortgage Fraud And Claims She Was The Victim. These Documents Show Differently.

Another Counsil member caught up in a legal battle. This time it is Nazi Sierra. Look at the documents published and there  are more in the court records.

 Thank you blogger for making this known, but we already had the dibs. We were not going to publish it but since people are asking questions about this we felt since many do not know how to search for public records we help them out. And we did have a soft spot for this mislead sheep. 

The first one posted is from the Office of the Property Appraiser of Miami-Dade. What it shows is that since July, 2005 the sale of this property was disqualified as a result of examination of deed. This is because Ms. Sierra’s in-laws quite claimed this property for 10.00 to Nazi and her husband. Look and see her signature is on this document incriminating her. It seems the mortgage company knew nothing about this and it seems it was never approved by the mortgage company. You can’t buy that kind of home for 10.00 when it was purchased by her in-laws on 8/2004 for 237, 781.

The next document shows the beginning of a foreclosure by the mortgage company due to the scam of the quite-claim deed.

The next is the property search of the Sierra home. On the bottom of the page it states “Sale information”. This document also shows sale amount as $0, then sale o/r has a number 23783-1466, then it shows Sales which are disqualified as a result of the examination of the deed.  Go to  for all this information or just point on to the picture and click and it will make it larger to see.

So when she claims “victim” it surely doesn’t look like it from this angle. It looks like Ms. Sierra and her Husband and in-laws were all part of this scam. They knew exactly what they were doing and show no shame. Now we know she hired an attorney at this point, who would not? The attorney most likely advised her to say she was a victim. How can you be a victim when you participate in this kind of immoral behavior? Could you please explain it so us lay people understand? How can you even sit on the Counsel? They all talk about Ms. Waldman who has an They all talk about Ms. Waldman wh has an impeccable record and each one sitting, except for Vice-Mayor is hiding something.

The man running against Ms. Sierra they state had a foreclosure. That is not the same as Mortgage Fraud which is being stated by many. I would rather vote for someone with a foreclosure than someone who did immoral behavior. This ticket runs on integrity. So far integrity is no were to be found. Integrity left the building. 

We need someone who knows how to run a city without getting kick backs or back rubs. 


  1. Everyone wants something for nothing and to get away with it. Then to sit on Counsel and pretend your better than the rest. Where you brought up or dragged up? Were are your morals?
    Bad girl, bad.

  2. Now we know how the building department was outsourced overnight to a Hialeah firm in a no-bid contract.

  3. Where is the Herald ???

  4. Thank you for posting this, I kept getting censored on the other website.

  5. Your welcomed. We dont believe in censorship. Let the chips fall and the public make an educated vote. That is all we can do.

  6. A liar and a thief, and hopefully un-employed after this gets out.

  7. Let me get this straight, you knew all about this but you were not going to publish it? Why not? This may be the most crooked thing any of these candidates did and you after claiming to be a clearing house of fact and an exposer of corruption were going to be complicit in the cover- up? That is unconsionable and I can say you have lost quite a bit if not all credibility with me as a political watchdog. So I guess the question now is what other information are you holding back because it doesn't fit into your agenda? The people of Ho
    estead want and deserve to know. What a freaking joke!

  8. Well sorry that u feel that way. Had other stories too. Just was waiting for facts and had to have them. They just don't come over night. It takes hours of research. We dont usually go by anyones word. We found the documents and posted after it was confirmed.

  9. This person thinks she is goingo to be the next Vice Mayor. Not likely, sorry Nazy, no succession for you.

  10. Yea she is the picture of "INTEGRITY" all right. Everyone from Nelson (a closet swinger) to McCormick (a felon) to Lynda (Covering up her daughters drug use and arrest so that she can be a cop,) to Angel (being homeless). All I have to say is YOUR ALL OUT OF HERE!!!!! AND WINDY LOBBOS your next on my list to un-elect!!!

  11. hey come on now, lynda's daughter says that homestead needs better strip clubs.

    I'll vote for that!

    oh wait, that would look good for little miss innocent christian homemaker. . . .

  12. Vote for Steve Shelley for Vice Mayor, NO WAY WALDMAN!

  13. Isn't funny how the Mayors daughter just graduated from HSPA when I myself went down the same time she did I was told there was a freeze. It's great to be KING or a Dictator. Also, how did she do that? Her husband or ex is a convicted felon for possession of cocaine in the keys and her new bo does the same. It spells out to this resident another crooked cop with the Mayors help.

    I was highly qualified also. Then last night when she graduated the Mayor insisted on having 4 Honor Guards there. How much overtime did that cost the city? How she passed is beyond me and goes to show you how the Mayor is abusing her seat.

  14. Since someone brought up swinging....Well, a couple weeks ago the Nelsons were at the usually places Mutineer and Peachtree. Mrs. Nelson was overheard trying to pick up a police officer whose name will not be revealed asking him to come over to thier home and swing away. Too bad she fell over legs spread wide too. It was funny to watch. There are eyes all over watching now and she usually tries to get girls to swing with her and her husband....shameful.

  15. Ok if you dont want waldman to be vice mayor at least give her the seat she deserves number 6. Then after 2 years the battle between Lobos and Waldman. This should be on HBO fight night!!!!!

    Anyway, how did Lobos win a seat when at the time her address was in Florida City? I guess when you hang with bad people and the dictator you get what you want. She is so far up the Mayors rear that she can tell you what the Mayor had for breakfast. Mayor don't burp, Lobos may come out, LOL

  16. "Thank you blogger for making this known, but we already had the dibs. We were not going to publish it but since people are asking questions about this we felt since many do not know how to search for public records we help them out. And we did have a soft spot for this mislead sheep." If that isn't an admissin of bias I don't know what one is. Don't try ro backpedal and spin as if you were going to print this all along when with this statement you admit you had no intention of doing so. If you really want to make things right how about telling us what other candidates you have soft spots for, and what other evidence are you holding back? Or is going to take bloggers to come on here and expose this stuff first only for you to take credit for it? Because I'll tell you this, there may be some candidates who show more discretion than others but there isn't one candidate out there who is completely clean and there are paper trails for all of them. I do appreciate the fact that you do not edit/censor blog posts but that doesn't mean you are not biased. How about showing everything without bias. Also enough of the comic relief youtube videos you guys hijack and spin to your own needs. They aren't funny they are lame. Treat ALL candidates the same and you will be doing a great service to everyone, or continue to have a slanted/biased view and you will be a joke. Your choice.

  17. MT you are a liar and will do anything to help the devil win.

  18. Yes, we did have the dibs from the other post on this sight. But like we say we wanted proof. Not bias. Sorry u feel that. This is serious and we were not going to post until we had the proof. Look at the comments the other blogger sent. We were to go by that? No. We wanted documents. And whatever we get we post.

  19. Yea Lynda is being sued like Nazy ( different case) and she claims Victim too! Clever play on words. I guess What they "REALLY" mean is that they are victims of their own "GREED and STUPIDITY"

  20. Live with the fact that we are stuck with Nazy for 4 more years and then she and Steve Shelley will be battling for the Mayors seat.

  21. The fact is Nazy is out, Keys gate has had it with the whole revenge thing. We NEED an "A" high school and Nazy and Bell are playing with the parents because they can. They are having fun with this at our expense.
    FYI BELL TEAM there are at least 3500 votes that come out of that school. If only 2700 people voted last go round, than guess what, someone will need to start packing.
    A VOTE FOR BATEMAN IS A VOTE FOR AN "A" CHARTER HIGH SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
