Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Who is smarter than a 5th grader? We know do you?

Now the other blog kromeave.... posted this ? to Mr. Shelly:

This guy running for Seat 1 on the Homestead City Council actually asked this question of the Ethics panel. Duh, if my live-in GF works for a lobbyist and appears before me on the Homestead Zoning Board is that a conflict? Mmmm.......could be, what is wrong with these people?

We  can only respond to this blog one thing.  Mr. Shelly has a JD degree.  Do you know what that is? Are you smarter than a fifth grader:   Mr. Shelly has to ask these questions.  His record proves he is ethical and to ask another ethical question and to be slammed again by opposition is just down right wrong. 

So Mr. Blogger,  who everyone seems to point to a man named Alex what is a JD degree ? How well did you ever do on any ethical questions? I am sure if you have a job there were some posed to you.  Where is your record?  Mr. Shelly is an attorney who all the time must pass and be tested on ethics.  He is  ethical no matter what kind of rumors are around about attorney's.  They are watched everyday and according to Florida Bar not one complaint.  Show Homestead your record?  To be slammed on asking any question shows how mean this oppositon will go.  He has right to get correct answers regardless if you feel that they are not warrented.  At least he did ask.  Glad to see that he also wants to know facts.  That is what attorney's do. They ask questions and find facts.  His job as an attorney is put on the line.  So why not ask the question.  We know who is smarter.  Mr. Shelly is in this one.  His record shows it. 


  1. Looks like you got them again. keep up the good work.

  2. Remind me to never upset you. Keep it up!

  3. Kind of a disappointing post compared to the previous ones. I expected you to publish some of Alex's ethical shortcomings w/the cdd , god knows they are pretty blatentky apparent.

  4. Lets recognize Alex for the little man he is. If it were not for his badge, he would be a nobody. If Bateman were mayor now, Alex would be trying to cash in on that limelight; it is not about principal with these people, it is about being near perceived power. Quite frankly, the Mayors association with him shows she talks the talk but does not do the walk. The holier than thou thing is not just worn thin but almost worn through to reveal the hard truth.

  5. bon qui qui for mayorOctober 14, 2009 at 3:04 PM

    I just found out about this site and I have to say, you all hit the nail on the head with this council and management. What is this kromeavenue...whatever site? Is there another blog? Many of your comments make me giggle, so please keep commenting!
    Oh and don't forget, the state of the city is coming up on October 20 at 5:30 pm at the Champions Club at the Speedway. Make sure you RSVP to 305-224-4454. Then you all will get a front row seat to the crap that can't seem to stop spewing out of LB's mouth.

  6. Look at the articles it list the other site where they bash good people without facts. Just rumors.

  7. Proud to be an AmericanOctober 14, 2009 at 7:38 PM

    Mr Alex Diaz De Villegas is the Krome Ave smut blog owner and a Lt. with the Miami Dade Police Dept.(nice hu?)
    He should know who is smarter in this case but that would not go well with the Lynda Bell point of view. Mr. Shelley must scare the Bell team to death, or why else attack a very well know attorney with an impeccable reputation.
    It seems Mr Alex will lie about, and make up anything just to make sure this current, corrupt council stays intact. (And He's supposed to be one of Miami's finest)
    I wonder what Alex will stand to gain from this. You know that Lynda is all about rewarding her special interest.
    Maybe Lynda Bell will make Alex Diaz De Villegas chief of police when Chief Rolle retires. That very well could be it. Bell is known for her irrational decisions.

    My question to you is, Do you want these kind of people leading our community???!!!
    Vote for Bateman, Waldman, Shelley, Williams, and Elvis. A vote for them is a Vote for CHANGE!!!!!!!!!!

    P.S I posted this on the wrong subject, sorry about the repost

  8. Homestead Police doesn't not have FRS for retirement.

    I doubt alex will leave the FRS system

  9. what is the website for the krome ave smut blog?

  10. Shelley gets work that Marcus won't do, can't even tell what a conflict of interest is. Dolt!

  11. Alex's website has been removed. How interesting! Wonder if he was exposed...What comes around goes around, Alex.

  12. Shelley still beats DEADBEAT Nelson anyday! No comparison, game over! Shelley will win by a landslide and Nelson will go "wee wee wee all the way home!"

  13. Krome Ave Smut BLOG shut down!!!!

  14. by the way, you people who think you are so smart... YOU ARE NOT THE ONLY ONES IN HOMESTEAD WITH POST GRADUATE DEGREES!!!

  15. OOOOOHHH, you are scaring me! WTF?


  17. We know Lobos got her degree off tax payers money being illegal and all. At least the attorney asked a ? so there would not be any conflict. So what is so bad about that. McCormick does not even have a license to be a Barber, Angel the great failed one and pervert who else to you have on that team?

    That is what an attorney does, ask, get facts, case law etc.

    So what is a JD? Smarter than you said?
