Saturday, October 24, 2009

Steve Bateman's Bio. Some Bloggers Wanted Both Sides. So Now You See What He Stands For.

My Name is Steve Bateman. I am running for Homestead Mayor. I am a 45-year Homestead resident and a Homestead business-owner for 30 years. I have deep roots in Homestead and a strong connection to its past and a clear vision for its future. My opponent in the Mayor’s race is incumbent Mayor Lynda Bell.

I was raised in Homestead and embrace the values that Homestead holds dear. I understand Homestead’s strengths, opportunities, and challenges. Homestead is in transition and needs a strong guiding hand. I have the courage, commitment, and character to provide that new leadership.

My campaign platform includes:

· strong advocacy for Homestead’s taxpayers,

· commitment to better education,

· increased commitment to and support of local businesses,

· controlled economic growth,

· increased opportunities for Homestead’s youth, and

· a tough posture on crime.

Higher taxes, foreclosures, and local economic conditions are shattering Homestead’s
families and the American Dream on an unprecedented scale. I pledge to create the most cost-effective, efficient, and responsive government possible and to reduce Homestead’s tax burden on its residents.

Official Campaign Activities are ongoing.

Please contact the campaign office for details at (305) 242-6777


  1. Thank God for someone who truly believes in really making our education a better one. I heard that Mr. Bateman when it comes to education will try to provide vo-tech schools here which is really needed. Not everyone is cut out for college. Go Steve and thank you for really thinking about our children and future.

    You have a lot of support especially when the other side attacked your child. I dont care what they say about you past or present. I know Homestead will be in better hands. You know how to run a business, not like the house frau we have now.

    1. Boy must be a tea bag or republican cause this guy was just arrested for bribery I love the people you thing are honest. Oh but he's out of jail, maybe he'll still run.

    2. Wrong!!!

  2. Bateman has my vote!!! How can it possibly get any worse. Lynda Bell is a liar. Losner had it right when he said that she speaks out of both sides of her mouth. The city employees need to get up the guts and speak up about what is going on. This woman is a dictator and is going to ruin this city.

  3. Sounds like campaign literature to me. A worthless post. At least it's not cluttering my mailbox...........oh wait, it is.

  4. people said to put up both sides so they did.

  5. And the " investigators" found nothing........riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiight.

  6. The Campaign for better judgementOctober 24, 2009 at 9:50 PM

    You will be surprised what will be exposed once the evil dictator is banished from office.

    Bateman is a good hardworking man with character and REAL family values. He is the obvious choice, the only choice!

  7. Your absolutly right. Nothing on this man in public records. Only deeds, mortgages and no civil action or slander against this man. Sorry, you do the foot work and see what you can find but our investigators found nothing. We think some of you drink too much kool aid and are mad as heck that all your side has a bad past. Rumors, don't stick, facts do as in legal documents. We went back into the 80's. Sorry to disappoint the other ticket and thier rumors sread about a good man. We do not endorse. But after seeing what this staff has, We are Endorsing Mr. Bateman and Ms. Judy Waldman because there is nothing in public documents that smears thier names and only shows them as upstanding citizens of this community. Only people doing the smearing are the ones who got caught. Wait until after the Election. There will be and I quote more said that is factual and newsworthy.

    But you guys already sunk the ship and we are sorry to see that. How can we back corruption? Go ahead and call us bias, but the truth really does hurt. We call it as we see it. The same goes for Steve Shelly, Jimmie Williams too.

    The hate that comes out of this counsil should be halted. The pushing and abusing of the powers should be exposed.

    You are exposed by your own lies. The only thing we found was Elvis. He had a forclosure, not unusally these days in Homestead, but not for Fraud as Sierra did. So we went through all of them and found a clean slate.

    Vicous rumors don't fly with our watchdogs.

    Couple more weeks team and the public will decide. May the best man win and hopefully the clean ones.

    This is an editoral comment due to some bloggers making horrible statements about Mr. Batemans child and that there is nothing found. Well there is not.

    Mayor, Lobos, Sierra, Nelson and McCormick put the blame on yourself. Lets not forget about that perverted picture of Angel who is running both sides of the slate, with Linda and Losner. That is fact. Deal with it. We are the political watchdogs down here and will continue to provide accurate information to the residents of Homestead. Like we say, They decieve, so you decide.

  8. If you knew your stuff, you would know that having a candidate backed by both Mayoral contenders is not unusual. Burgess had that in 2007. Neither Bell nor Losner want anything to do with Waldman and both would naturally back Angel Garrote. That does not mean that Bell and Losner are working together by any stretch of the imagination. So what if they were. That is a freedom of choice or dont you Judy backers beleieve in that just as you say the Bell people do not. Try something new, take the personal out of this and get on board with who you think is the better candidate for every seat and go with it. Bell makes it personal all the time, if you all are so much better, then stop acting like what you profess to be against

  9. Who cares if both canidates from before. We are talking now. The Bell Team has this quality of twisting things. Nothing seemed personal from these eyes. Only thing blogger was saying usually they dont endorse but they are now due to the corruption it has seen and all the legal documents. Someone challanged them, so the did thier work. Sorry Bell follows the truth is you are all corrupt and abuse power. You seem to have a personal grudge about Judy, why is that ok? Always twisted. Turning things around. That is what happens when your caught with your pants down as Angel was, LoL.

    The blogger put up both sides of the story, but the truth hurts those that stand behind the bible and thier evil ways.

    Go Steve................Just have blinders on as many do. A lady does not present herself in front of thousands looking shaveled, worn, clothes not fitting and rude. That is what we have to represent us now. Corruption with a capital C. She needs to be with Pelosi and the rest in Congress, they dont know what thier doing either.

  10. This blog is full of illiterate, rambling fools. You discredit yourself, no need to even bother posting anything because you can't comprehend what any opposing view is saying. Go back and re-read your posts, will you? You should call this the "Moe and Williams Rant," or more simply just TRASH. Go do something more worthwhile with your spare time, like taking English 101! For shame...

  11. Nothing on Bateman, you may want to ask Didier Carod about that. He is the ranger at BNP that arrested him.
    Rangers in Biscayne National Park stopped Councilman Steve Bateman's boat at about 7:40 p.m. May 3 near Convoy Point Channel and gave the city leader three citations for speeding in a manatee zone, boating under the influence and refusing to take a breath test.Bateman was held overnight at the federal detention center in Miami.He posted a $5,000 bond on Monday. Get it right ladies. Aight?!?!?!

  12. Could you type that out, scan it as an image file, and post it to photobucket so we can consider it an"official document"

  13. There is no record of that event. You are a liar, LYNDA!!! I wish you could get over yourself. You have lost this race, pack your bags, your going home! Don't forget to make an appointment for wednesday Nov. 4th, with the un-employment office. Claim that check girl!!!

    BTW- Lobos Your next, and you had better be carefull, eyes are always watching...

  14. Yes there is a record. Miami Herald. What about that? See.......

    The Miami Herald - May 11, 2003

    Homestead Councilman Steven Bateman expects to be cleared of charges he was driving his boat while drunk last weekend.

  15. The Miami Herald - May 18, 2003 - 3SO Neighbors

    Homestead Councilman Steven Bateman - who was arrested for driving his boat while drunk May 3 - was cleared of criminal charges Friday, his lawyer said. Bateman appeared at the U.S. Courthouse in downtown Miami on Friday, and the charge of boating under the influence was dismissed, said Bateman's lawyer, Christopher Lyons. The city official did get two civil penalties for boating violations - approaching the channel improperly and refusing to take a breath test - for... >> Purchase complete article, of 152 words

    Have the "investigators" go buy and post the rest of the article. Also please post the two civil penalties he recieved if you dont mind.

  16. See no conviction, so nothing no matter what it was dismissed morans. and if he was drunk no drunker than those at Nazi's party, and after party, give me a break. Sorry, no conviction does not hold. Like nothing was ever done. Sorry to ruin your wonderful Sunday.

  17. He was arrested for operating a boat while drunk and his lawyer pleaded it down to two civil penalties. There are rich guys all over south florida who get their lawyer to do the same sort of thing all the time. I'd like you to explain to anyone who has ever lost someone to a drunk driver how this was "Like nothing was ever done". Actually, when your husband beats you up and is arrested and then you refuse to press charges and they let him go back home to you so you can wait for the next time, that is "Like nothing was ever done". "Morans"!

  18. Do you really want ranting? You keep bringing me into this, Bell Team. Well how about your obsession with Waldman, how about you making Alex stop helping the one person whom you picked to be on your team but was smart enough to get out. How about all the lies I know from all you guys? Leave me alone, you guys made me ill and because of you and Alex and the rest I lost my family, I think you did enough damage dont you?

    You would not help me one bit in any matter regarding Homestead. I researched all night and slept maybe 3 hours the most each day because you refused to inform me on important issues. All you wanted was a pit bull to go after Judy Waldman. You have a personality conflict with her and I saw right threw it. Your mock debate? Joke? You dont say were having a debate and give nothing to your Team to study. How many times did I ask you for help and all you did was nothing, study Judy. I told you there was more to Homestead than just Judy Waldman. You take care of your personal agendas Ms. Bell and oh, I forgot the words I dont want to lose the sky box ticketsand the great perks. I said I was willing to do this for nothing, not one person can say that. I did not want anything but to help Homestead. You had a different agenda. I have remained low key through sickness and lost
    everything I put up, for believing in you. When all you did was lie.

    How about following me home from the hospital with a paper I did not even know what it was that you told me to sign hurry, hurry it is almost 5:00 this way now Judy hopefully spent her money thinking there was a primary. I was just comming out of the hospital. When I went down town to run as Independant, to my surprise that paper you made me sign was telling me that I could not run at all. So ms. Bell, tell some more lies.

    I lived it and saw your agenda to use people and thank the lord, I did get ill from you, bossing me around like I am a 3 year old. You have no respect and you do abuse your position. I hope
    Bateman kicks your ever loving a... you will get back what you gave to others. You lie like a rug and have no morals, character or respect. You do hide behind your little bible too. Boy people peg you right to the tee. How about the ransom for our Oasis School Ms. Bell? I was at a meeting over a year ago about this with school officials. Your a down right evil woman with your whole team. And when I was asked by your Alex why go against Melvin, I told him and Melvin your backing the devil I want no part of it. At least I had the courage to speak the truth. "Alex even understood why I would go towards Judy' your precious Alex who you boss around too. You were going to teach me how to dress? Dont think so Ms. Bell. I am Vera Wang out and Channel, not bealls outlet or something you wish you had the taste for.

    Now that is from an insider who knows what is going on. Your never on time. Your pushy when you dont get your way and you did not like my comment on the ? ask how do i feel running on your coattails. I said I do not ride on anyones coattails I am an independant thinker, you banged the table and said I should be blessed to run with you. That told me right there to get out while I had the chance. So, all you hypocrites stay away from me and now I will go to the press since they have been calling and tell them exactly what you did. You told Alex even not to help me. Your a selfish person with evil behind that soul and agenda. Leave me alone and out of this. I read this like everyone else does. Now they really know the truth from an insider.

  19. Whats up with her? Is she a drunk too?

  20. Well, somebodys "wonderful sunday" was ruined.

  21. Bateman better sign you (Moe) up to write a mail piece first thing in the morning. Now the Mayor is going to be on the other side of the phrase Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned

  22. Sorry to bust your bubble blogger but, I never drank in my life. Just the truth because I am always brought into this. So finally, I set it free. It became a better Sunday anyone could wish for.

  23. Thank you Patrica.

    I want to say thanks. I am glad that you are no longer with that women lynda. I wish so much I could publish my name, but I have work with some of these people. . .

    The Lord bless you, and keep you;
    The Lord make His face shine on you,
    And be gracious to you;
    The Lord lift up His countenance upon you,
    And give you peace."

  24. Ladies, please... there is no need to be so ugly... it is really not very classy. But wait, Lynda would not know what class is. Don't confuse her with vera Wang and Chanel...

  25. its a beautiful day in the neighborhood... thank you candidates who walked here today. it was a pleasure meeting you. We Believe in Steve!!

  26. Yep Lynda, Keys Gate Charter School will bring you down for this!!!! Us KGCS parents are involved in every little thing that involves our kids. We want a better education for our children, and you hold our school hostage???!!!!! What a b*tch you truely are. good luck with un-employment.

  27. Well, well, well. Bell sure knows how to pick them, doesn't she? Mayor Bell, though you can't distinguish good vs. bad character, your character assassinations are spot-on!
    Seriously though, 2 years of poor judgment is enough. Should have had a clue about you when you first chose the most unqualified appointee to the NW council seat, then there were how many auditors???, not to mention the human relations board fiasco, the slew of firings and virtual dissolving of the building dept., and a host of others. What comes around goes around, Mayor, your true character was bound to come out sometime. Doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure you out, just look at the cast of characters you surround yourself with and now your desperation to get rid of Judy Waldman has led to a hasty decision that has now come back to bite you in the rear. You and your girls need to get off your high horses and realize you are beatable,dispensible and not worthy of the office you hold. Au revoir, sorciere!

  28. The Bateman cruise thru the park also got him to buy his wife a new car. The babes he was with flashed the rangers at the dock and she was not happy, she was home while the philanderer partied. Get the report for a good laugh. Called his MDPD friends to amend the charge and help him out of a jam.

  29. Something that happened 6 years ago in his personal life and that he has paid the price for is irrelevant. What Bell is doing to this city HERE and NOW is relevant.

  30. He paid the price for? He didn't get anything for doing it. He gave everybody the proverbial finger. "Hey, I'm Steve Bateman and your laws don't apply to me." Yeah, thats who I'm voting for.

  31. The aforementioned records only show that Mr. Bateman was cleared of all CRIMINAL charges. You have no proof of anything further on this matter, so let it go. Quit wasting time on this and trying to confuse the lay person with misleading statments.

  32. OJ was cleared of all criminal charges related to the death of his ex-wife.

  33. Were not talking murder, however, dismissal means it did not happen. Get over it Bell Lovers.

    Steve Bateman is our man. Anymore comments about his child is unwarrent and bottom of the barrel. That show you how low the Bell Team will go. Talk about your adult child whose husband or ex husband is convicted felon for selling dope in the Keys. Were's that info? Hide that Mayor just like you hide all others. How did she get to be a policewoman? Oh, I forgot your mayor, crack that whip....

  34. Why doesnt Mayor Bell tell us about her husbands shady past ?? Was his record expunged too. Someone should dig a bit deeper. Also, what is the story with Mark Bell's son that nobody knows about??? Word is that there was some family drama that had to do with Mark's son from a previous marriage and Bell tried to sweep that under the rug. Shame on you Mayor Bell. Your daughters should come first!!!!

  35. You expect Bell to act as if she is a lady with a real up-bringing, please. Everyone knows that in her hay-day she was a truck stop whore looking to party all the time and didn't care enough to take care of her kids. Now she is a born again, what crap. The Born agains are the worst bunch of hypocrites that ever walked the earth. Never trust someone who use to be of a shady character, and for whatever reason has found god. uh oh. They "use" God as if it cleans the human slate of all their wrong doing. But they continue to do the same things as before with one exception, they now "use" the bible as a shield to continue their evil deeds on society. Many people get taken because of these bible toating crooks!

  36. Patty Moe, Where are you??? We need you!!!!

    Please come to the Key Gate Charter School Debate. October 29th. 6:00pm. We want you to hear what Lynda bell has to say to us during her debate with Mr. Bateman. I will make sure you have a front row seat.

  37. Bell is. A crook, Bateman is a crook, they are all crooks. Some worse than others but crooks nonetheless.

  38. PTSO MOM

    i am here. I know one of the administrators there and was present when we were told how the mayor basically asked for a ransom and turned a blind eye to the oasis school that was promised to us here in oasis. I spoke I think with Charter School USA a lady named Deb I think. Was a while ago and was invited to this invent to try to help. If you know me, get in touch.
    also, if i do go i want a front row seat, lol
    Patty Moe

  39. Patty,
    we have never met and I can't wait to meet you tomorrow night. I will contact you on Facebook, we have friends in common. I spoke with the debate ref at Keysgate, and he say's he has your seat of honor all ready for you! LOL. Take care Patty

  40. This last post was from his one an only Alex. Cant wait. Alex stopped your blogged now gone to the dark side homesteadishome, blah, blah.the one you and lynda hated so much. Know the song back stabber? that should be the theme song for you guys. i read this and others and i am sicken at the way you act with that team.

    Oh, and your lil troll, Angel, his article in the Herald is laughable. How come he never mentions he is in real estate for Hometown Reality Investment, Inc and uses Comp USA?

    Why doe he state Lenders and Banks should be forced to pay HOA due on foreclosures? He really knows the process since he himself lives in a forelcoused home. Lenders r usually the banks, so what is he saying? Has he paid rent? I think he needs to produce those records. he does not own his place. he only has an agreement with HOA saying they would be willing to sell, NOT A BANK. I am the ones that got you that info on him. Remember? He foreclosed so he cant bu for at least 3 Years. He knows nothing about Oasis at all. Only how to harrass someone who again just got out of surgery last weekend.

    Weren't you the one alex that could not stand Angel and told the mayor that while at my home? Aren't you not the same Alex that did my facebook? U will lie, you and that team lies. I dont even know the otherside, but I stand for experience not ignorance to represent my seat in oasis. She responded why do you have such a fix on Angel and you were scared to say the same reason you have a fix on Judy. You even stated that you understood why I would support Judy. Stay neutral my rear.

    Keep your trolls and the rest out of here or we as a board will sign and fine as per our documents allow in our community. Next time he comes through gates he will be fined as everyone is told in her also he is stalking me. so keep him on a leash, short ok.

    I dont hide, like the rest of you do. Keep your troll away from harassing me anymore I warned you guys to leave me alone, you wont so I will say openly how I feel. I wish I was the moderater for KEYS GATE CAUSE DO I HAVE ? FOR ALL that the PUBlIC especially the keys gate parents want to hear since i go over there many times and am close to administrators there.

    I hope the other team all of them went along with Mr. Bateman. You should not be asking ? That is bias to the end.

    I thought you had character. Only character assination attached to your name.

    And if the Mayor does win, I am moving. That is fact. Dont want to live in a town with bible totting sinners who prey on children and speak about peoples kids and just drive people crazy.

    Pat Moe

  41. I despise Lynda Bell but if there is a chance that Pat Moe and her incoherent ramblings will leave Homestead with a Bell Team victory that's a chance I'm willing to take. Patricia Moe please leave us alone.


    The Citizens of Homestead

  42. how dare you speak to this person that way? She has the guts which seems that no one else has. She is not bitter, she seems to care less about the Bell Team however, she calls it as she sees it. She keeps getting harassed what would you do just sit back? One tiny voice like yours is not the Citizens of Homestead. Patricia, if your out there please God Bless You for seeing the truth and speaking your mind.

    The Citizens of Homestead are proud of you!
    Keep it up

  43. Don't worry. That was just another Angel or Alex attack. They are scared of the truth. Keep speaking and do not let these bunch of gangsters insinuate that they are the Voice. They are not.

    God Bless You Patricia, keep safe.

  44. Patty, you are welcome! Angel and Alex, you are pathetic! Get a life, and try to make it an honest one.

  45. Wow !!!These posts are disgusting.This is what really negative campaigning is all about .Why is it that anybody ask about .The Garzo's and they support Judy Waldman and Steve Shelley..I guess Voter fraud is in the rise here in homestead....So,Why is The Garzo's investing so much with these candidates .You heard it here first ,of course Contracts once they get elected.Now that's the truth

  46. My question is???Are the Garzo's involved in the Bateman and Waldman campaign????So,where are the Contract's after elction time .You read it first here


  48. Man all these people in Florida that love crooks, but as I said he is out of jail now so maybe he probably still run.
